Stay informed! If you have not already subscribed to our newsletter, sign up now! SIGN UP! This webcast shines a spotlight on differentiating between CLR (Comprehensive Learner Record) and LER (Learning and...
With the evolving landscape of education and employment, traditional transcripts and resumes just don’t cut it anymore. This is why we have seen prolific growth in digital credentialing, where individuals can showcase their entire learning journey and...
Stay informed! If you have not already subscribed to our newsletter, sign up now! SIGN UP! In this webcast, Mike Simmons gives us a unique look at the work being championed by AACRAO (The American...
Stay informed! If you have not already subscribed to our newsletter, sign up now! SIGN UP! Joe Green has a wealth of knowledge, experience and deep understanding of the needs of the U.S. education and...
We met with Mark Leuba to discuss how standards accelerate the use and value of digital badges. Since 2015, Mark Leuba has been Vice President of Product Management for 1EdTech (formerly known as IMS Global Consortium), the non-profit leader in open education...