Over the past several years, digital badging has gained significant popularity across industry as a valuable form of credentialing. Many companies and organizations have embraced this innovative approach, recognizing its potential for enhancing skill development,...
In today’s rapidly evolving job market, traditional degrees and certifications alone may not be sufficient for showcasing one’s skills and expertise. As employers increasingly embrace a skills-based hiring approach to their talent eco-system, skills...
Stay informed! If you have not already subscribed to our newsletter, sign up now! https://digitalbadgeacademy.net/stay-informed/ SIGN UP! In this webcast, Holly Zanville talks about the ways Credential As You Go (www.credentialasyougo.com) is catalyzing...
Deb Everhart shares what CTDL (Credential Transparency Description Language) is, why it was developed and how it will increase the value of your digital badge program. You will learn how using Credential Engine’s programs will improve transparency, interoperability,...
In this blog, Holly Zanville talks with Jim Daniels and David Leaser about the ways Credential As You Go (www.credentialasyougo.com) is catalyzing redesign and integration of credentialing systems across states, higher education, and third-party providers, including...